Monday, July 20, 2009

I guess I should post something...

I've had lots of ideas for posts the past week but everytime I sit down to write them something distracts me. I've got some "interesting" posts, or at least I think so, that I hope to most in the next few weeks.

Today I went for my first jury duty summons. I honestly didn't think much of it. So much that I had three meetings scheduled for work that I had to wind up postponing once I realized late Saturday evening that I would possibly not be there. I had to call in Friday afternoon to see if I actually had to go and was informed "the case" was still on. At that point it peaked my curiousity and sounded like maybe something important. Showed up at 8:15 today and found 2 people from my church were in the jury pool. After about an hour we were escorted to the court room and were told we were there for a MURDER TRIAL! I had absolutely no idea. I was number 54 so I understood my chances of being selected weren't good so I wasn't too disapointed when I was let go at around 2:15. One member from my church is on the jury and the other one was let go with me. I had mixed feelings about being on it. It was going to last all week and I have a lot going on at work but on the other hand I've always wanted to be on a jury and then a murder trial on top of that. Both of the attorneys did tell us this would truly be a CSI type case with lots of forensic evidence. Sounded cool but I'm not totally upset I didn't get on it. Lots of people encouraged me to try and get out of it and that was a bit dissapointing to me. It's hard to give up time but hey it's our civic duty. I sure hope if I was ever on trial people would show up for my jury. The funniest moment was when the prosecutor asked if anyone had a violent crime committed against them or a family member. A lady responded that someone tried to kill her TREE, yes her tree. They shot at it twice. The entire courtroom tried to hide their laughter but it was obvious everyone was laughing.

I started my weight loss goal last week to lose 32 lbs by Christmas. I'm down 2 so far so I'm happy with that. 30 more to go!

Until later...

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