Tuesday, June 16, 2009

H2O Only

I've decided to try and wean myself from all beverages except water. I know this will be EXTRMELY hard. I've been of the mindset the past three years after reading the South Beach diet book that you should try and eat foods as close to the original state as possible. Switch to whole grain breads, fruits in their original states with skin when applicable, no processed sugars, etc. In looking at beverages I guess water is the only thing close to the original state. I have no idea how I will go about doing this but I'm giving myself until August 1st to complete this task. I have huge headaches if I don't have aspertame in the mornings. I can drink either Diet Coke or Crystal Light and be fine either way. It's not so much caffine as it is the aspertame I've decided. Anyway I have no idea how successful I will be but hold me accountable. I will have some major headaches to overcome the next few weeks...

1 comment:

  1. I was going to say I'll hold you accountable but then I realized I won't be around much between now and August 1st. I would argue that tea is pretty natural, unless there's aspartame in it. :)
